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Welcome To The Black Mesa Transit System

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DISCLAIMER: Half-Life, and all of it's characters are property of Valve. The dialogue and the idea behind this is property of Ross Scott. I just put it in text form. The original form is a machinima and can be found at appropriate sites.

'Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel.' Notable for its total immersion of the player. The game is entirely played in first person and in real time, with very. Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa transit system. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel. The time is 8:47 A.M. Current topside temperature is 93 degrees with an estimated high of 105. The Black Mesa compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at all times. Apr 14, 2004  Announcer: 'Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa transit system. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel. The time is 8:47 A.M. Current topside temperature is 93 degrees with an estimated high of 105. The Black Mesa compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at. Good morning and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel.The time is 08:47 AM. Current topside temperature is 93 degrees, with an estimated high of one hundred and five.


'Ah jeez, I'm running late.'

Gordon was standing in a dull tram, on the left hand side. On the right was rear facing seats.

Good morning

'Who said that?!' thought Gordon looking around wildly, looking for the source of the voice.

Welcome to the Black Mesa transit system.

'Oh, it's the intercom'

This automated tram is provided for the security of-

'Aha! I'm not the only one running late!'

Gordon passed a Security guard seemingly locked out of the facility, banging on a door.

'Good Morning, And Welcome To The Black Mesa Transit System .

'Suuuuuuuckeeeeeer! Hahah,' Gordon yelled out the window as the tram passed the guard.

The time is: 8:47 AM

'Shit! I didn't know I was that late!'

The topside temperature is: 93 degrees.

'Eight forty seven. I am so dead.'

The Black Mesa compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees, at all times

'Shit' whispered Gordon, 'I need to buy a watch. I'm already on probation with the company. They could FIRE me.'

This tram is inbound from the- 'Oh well'-level 3 dormitories to- 'What can ya do?'-Sector C test labs and control facilities. Macbook drawing tool.

Blue Shift

The tram passed a robot on the left.

If your intended destination is a high security- Gordon moved the front of the tram, thinking 'High-security'.?' -beyond sector c you will need to return to the Central Transit Hall in: Area Nine

'Am I in the right train?'

If you have not yet submitted your identity to the retinal security system- Unzip mac os terminal.

He glanced to the right, 'Oh, what's this?' he thought looking a huge missile. - You must report to Black Mesa personnel, for processing. For you to be permitted in the high security branch-

'Yeah, 'high security.' That's why we leave armed missiles lying around for everyone to check out, 'It's part of the tour!'

The tram started descending.

Due to the high toxicity level of material routinely handled in the Black Mesa compound, no smoking, eating, or drinking are allowed.

The tram started moving forward.

'Fascists. Yeah, whatever, I'll take a forty-ounce up here if I feel like it,' Gordon thought.

Please keep your arms and legs inside the tram, at all times.

Temp monitor 1 1 8. 'Well I'll stick my arms out the window if I-'Gordon looked out of the windows and sees mineshaft-style support beams along the wall.'-okay, maybe not.'

-please wait until the tram has come to a complete halt at the station platform. In the event of an emergency, passengers are to remain seated and to wait further instruction.

The tram passes through a canyon. 'Hey, what's going on down there?' Gordon thought. At the bottom was dark green helicopter warming up it's rotors at the bottom, next to a hangar built into the rock wall. 'I should have been a pilot' he thought, rather glumly.

Please stay off electrified rails.

'Ha. Wow.' A chain link gate opened in front of the tram. The tram passed through and stopped in front of some big blast doors. 'How dumb do you have to be,' Gordon thought, 'I mean they're not gonna say something like that unless someone already tried to do it.' The big blast door in front of the tram opened and a rail extended from the other side, meeting the rail the tram was currently on.

'I guess if I was drunk enough, I might climb out the window here and pull some hang time on the electrified tram rail,' he continued, 'That kinda reminds of that time when a squirrel got caught in the power lines one day back in MIT. The thing caught fire and got fused to the wire. This caused a transformer to blow up and knock out power to the whole campus. That squirrel must've cost the university at least ten thousand dollars. That was a good day.'

A reminder that the Black Mesa hazard course decathlon-

'Oh man!'

-will commence this evening at 1900 hours-

'I Forgot about that!'

-in the level 3 facility. The semi finals for high security personnel will be announced in separate secure access transmissions.

'I need to practice'

Remember: more lives than your own, may depend on your fitness. 'What? We're physicists!' Gordon exclaimed, to no one in particular.


Do you have a friend or relative that would make a valuable addition to the Black Mesa team?

'I don't believe this.'

Immediate openings are available in the areas of: Materials handling and-

The tram stopped next to a giant yellow robot lifting and moving a large crate.

'Oh cool a robot,' he thought, moving to the front left corner to get a better view, 'Robots are the only friends I need.' The robot moved through a door as the tram started moving again. 'Maaaan, look at that thing. It's like a giant worker ant. Robots rule. Pneumatics rule. That's awesome.'

The Black Mesa research facility is an equal opportunity employer

'Man, they're still talking about hiring? I guess my cousin Jesse needs a job. If only he wasn't a sex offender, it would be so much easier to find something for him.'

A reminder to all Black Mesa personnel:

The tram started descending again.

Regular radiation and biohazard screenings are a requirement for continued employment at Black Mesa research facility.

('Ugh. Don't remind me,' thought Gordon. He looked out of the front window to see the same type of robot crossing in front of the tram. 'Whoa! We're gonna crash! Good it stopped,' he yelled, as the tram stopped. Next to his, was another stopped tram with a scientist and a man in a blue suit carrying a briefcase, who was watching Gordon intently.

'What are you looking at?' he asked, even he knew the man couldn't hear him, 'Hey what's that green crap?' he asked, pointing out green liquid dripping from the ceiling, and spilling from a burst silo. 'What is this?! Jesus Christ, look at this place! This is a disaster! That's gotta be toxic. God the EPA is gonna tear us apart if they find out about that. Well I'm not saying anything. I don't want called to court as a witness about this once the cat gets out of the bag.' The tram finally stopped at a flimsy looking metal catwalk suspended above a seemingly bottomless pit by thin metal cables.

Please stand back from the automated door and wait for the security officer to verify your identity.

Gordon moved towards the door, 'Locked,' he said.

Please check the area for personal belongings.

'Hmm…' he said, looking around, as a security officer moved towards the door.

'Mornin' Mr. Freeman,' the guard said, his voice muffled by the thick metal door. 'Looks like you're running a little late.'

'Yeah, you know what? I don't even care anymore. By the time I get suited up, I'm gonna be over an hour late. I figure I'm either fired, or I'm not.' He told the security officer, who said nothing. He followed the guard across the catwalk. Roulette free for all. 'Is someone following me?' he thought looking around. Seeing no one, he thought 'Okay, good.'

'Yeah, I'm just gonna stroll in their like I own the damn place,' he thought, 'Take my time, grab some donuts. If I'm fired I can probably jack some office supplies or computer equipment on my way out. I could just stuff thins in a big duffel bag. Nobodies gonna notice. You know, Steve's never in his cubicle. I could just walk right up and take his laptop. Hell, I can even take that color laser printer from accounting. That thing's gotta be worth a couple grand. I wonder if it can print money.' Erp school management software, free download.

This is a basic article I put together based on what information is published by DiStream, in anticipation that the service(and by extension the article) will become more important as the service's first high-profile game, Prey, launches in a few weeks.

It still needs a lot of work, including better Wikification, a product list, more information on how the service works and its technological underpinnings, and possibly user experience. Please add to it as you can. Cooking master boy episode 53.

ViRGE 00:21, 25 June 2006 (UTC)

Someone needs to put in a refutation that Triton is the only service that can stream games, because it's just not true. I've got a screenshot showing HL2 open in a Window while it's only 59% downloaded on Steam, but I'm not sure how to put images in properly. --AiusEpsi 03:40, 7 July 2006 (UTC)

Just did a test. From running the Steam installer to the G-Man saying 'Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman' took just under 21 minutes, downloading 219.8 MB which is 27% of the full game. HL1 took 1.5 minutes to go from installing it in the Steam menu to hearing 'Welcome to the Black Mesa transit system', downloading 15.9 MB or 14% of the full game. I guess this may count as original research, but I'd imagine the result that you need a lot less than 100% to start either game would be repeatable. --AiusEpsi 04:12, 7 July 2006 (UTC)

'As a result the system has had no real-world testing for high-load situations, and may be a problem with the forthcoming release of Prey.'

Prey is out - does anyone know how Triton fared under the load? LukeyBoy 14:04, 1 August 2006 (UTC)

Shutting Down[edit]

3dRealms has found out that Triton is being shut down without Digital Streams bothering to tell them. Isn't that nice? --ViRGE 19:05, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

Sources! Forum posts are a-ok if they are by an admin or otherwise official. --Tom Edwards 19:27, 7 October 2006 (UTC) - It looks like it's gone under. Triton was pretty much a joke, they never had anything like a Half-Life 2 to ram digital distribution down people's throats. Instead of trying to launch their own service, they should have tried to farm out their streaming tech to other digital distribution companies. I don't know whether it's just the Triton service that's died, or the entire DiStream company behind it, it looks like the latter. - Hahnchen 01:13, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
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